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HomeNewsLocal governmentGovernment House Issues Statement on Talks of Renewed COVID Restrictions

Government House Issues Statement on Talks of Renewed COVID Restrictions

Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. speaks at a recent news conference. (Source file)

Government House issued the following statement on Friday in response to information circulated about plans to renew COVID restrictions on businesses and other community activities:

“Neither Governor Albert Bryan Jr., Government House nor the administration’s COVID-19 Task Force has made any official announcements concerning beach closures, added restrictions to restaurants’ current operations or further restrictions on gatherings at funerals or other events in the territory.

“The governor, along with members of the administration’s COVID-19 Task Force on Thursday, met with Tourism industry stakeholders and signaled possible future actions. However, that meeting and those conversations were intended to serve as a courtesy, and the actions mentioned during that meeting are contingent on the data received over the coming days.

“Governor Bryan and the territory’s COVID-19 Task Force continues to closely monitor data compiled daily to inform its decision-making process and determine the next steps.

“Further information will be made available during the governor’s next COVID update, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020.”

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