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Open forum: Commissioner Gary Molloy Clarifies Concerns Over Labor’s Spending Plan and Building Purchase

Gary Molloy is Labor Department commissioner-designee. (Submitted photo)
Commissioner Gary Molloy heads the V.I. Department of Labor (Submitted photo)

In the recent Senate Committee on Finance, Budget, and Appropriation hearing on July 6, concerns were raised about the Virgin Islands Department of Labor’s (VIDOL) plan to spend $12.7 million for fiscal year 2024. Specifically, there was discussion about a $1.9 million allocation from the Government Insurance Fund (GIF) for purchasing a building currently leased by the department. Lawmakers questioned the financial prudence of using funds from a heavily depleted fund.

Commissioner Gary Molloy is clarifying that the down payment for the building is $1 million, not $1.9 million, and it comes from the General Fund, not the Government Insurance Fund. The $1.9 million mentioned by Sen. Frett-Gregory pertains to personnel and fringe budgeted against the Government Insurance Fund.

For more information, contact the V.I. Department of Labor at 773-1994 on St. Croix or 776-3700 on St. Thomas.

V.I. Department of Labor Commissioner Gary Molloy

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