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DPNR Seeks Public Engagement for Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan at Town Halls

Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources Jean-Pierre Oriol (Screenshot from V.I. Legislature Facebook live stream)

Commissioner Jean-Pierre L. Oriol of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) has announced another step toward drafting the VI Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan (CLWUP).

“We will be presenting the heart of the VI Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan during the upcoming series of town halls [at] which we seek feedback from the community,” Commissioner Oriol said.

Before finalizing the plan, DPNR is hosting the fourth and final round of town halls to consider and include public comment in the creation of the Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan.

Oriol stressed that “This will be the last series of in-person town halls before the final VI Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan is submitted to the Legislature for adoption.”

“With feedback on our big picture goals and policy directions, we have developed a draft implementation plan of final strategies for the territory as a whole and the three major islands. They represent a ‘to-do’ list for the government, stakeholders and the community over the next 10 to 20 years.

“These strategies will guide the USVI in updating its zoning and other land and water use laws and processes but will not change those laws in and of itself. This plan is not a regulatory document but a framework for how we make decisions.”

Town Hall Meetings

A series of town halls are scheduled to allow the public to review the strategies and provide feedback.

St. John – from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Monday, June 24, at Julius E. Sprauve School Cafeteria

St. Thomas – from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 25, at Victor’s Hide Out

St. Croix — from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, June 27, at UVI Great Hall Room

Light refreshments will be available.

The town halls will feature a formal presentation followed by a breakout session on four key topics:

Making Better Land Use Decisions

Protecting Our Natural Resources

Preparing for a Sustainable Future

Living and Thriving Together

*Strategies specific to the three major islands will also be discussed.

Although the allotted two-hour time will not be enough to cover every strategy in the plan, attendees will gain a solid understanding of the material. Further review of additional portions of the plan is and will be available online. Everyone is encouraged to provide more detailed feedback through the online survey at www.PlanUSVI.com.  The online survey will remain open through July 26.

For more information or to join the email list, go to www.PlanUSVI.com. Videos and summaries of prior town halls are available on the website and Facebook: www.facebook.com/planusvi.

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