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@ School: Shakira Smith Tops St. John Reading Challenge

Shakira SmithWhen they counted up the numbers for the annual Governor’s Reading Challenge on St. John, Shakira Smith, 12, topped the list with 35 books.

“I like to read. You learn new words and my imagination gets bigger,” she said.

Gov. John deJongh Jr. was impressed with Shakira’s accomplishment and said he was pleased that Shakira took the Summer Reading Challenge to heart.

“Her dedication and commitment to reading over the summer is just one example that our efforts to highlight the importance of reading and literacy has caught on. Once again Cecile (his wife) and I congratulate Shakira and wish her continued academic success,” the governor said.

Shakira’s favorite book out of the 35 was “Caroline,” the story of a girl who didn’t like her normal life. She found a tiny door, walked through to the other side to find a family she thought was nicer than her own.

“The family turned evil and she crawled out through the door,” Shakira said, describing in detail the story’s plot line.

She also likes to read books with romantic story lines, and comics, including those in her favorite “Amulet” series. She said she likes that particular comic because it has a lot of action.

When she’s not reading, this Julius E. Sprauve School seventh grader likes to sing. She said she’s had only a few lessons at school from the music teacher, Daniella Greenaway.

It’s a talent that runs in the family. Her mother is Shakima Jones, whose voice often graces St. John events when she sings the National and Virgin Islands anthems. Shakira’s voice is so good, she sang those same two songs at last year’s Virgin Islands/British Virgin Islands Friendship Day.

“When they called me to sing, I sent her,” Jones said.

She said her daughter was an awesome kid.

Shakira’s father is Steve Smith. She has three siblings. They are Shukoia Sprauve, 4, Kimisa Smith, 16, and Niqui Smith, 21.

At Sprauve, science is her favorite subject.

“I get to try new experiments,” she said.

School keeps her plenty busy, and she practices volleyball after school, attends a tutorial program and follows it all up with a physical fitness program.

She said she’s looking forward to a December ski trip to North Carolina because it will be her first opportunity to see snow. Shakira said she likes to travel, particularly road trips. She’s spent some time in Miami, but concluded that St. John has better beaches.

Shakira likes to hang out with her friends, head off to Oppenheimer Beach, go to the movies, and dance.

“I like to laugh and joke around with friends,” she said.

In a couple of years, she’ll start taking the 7 a.m. ferry to Eudora Kean High School on St. Thomas.

“I’ll have to wake up early and I do not like to wake up early,” she said.

As for her future, she has big plans.

“I want to be the first woman to become president,” she said.

That’s a long way down the road, and she plans to head off to college first, then stay on the mainland, start a career as a science teacher, get elected to the U.S. Senate, and then run for president.

“If I can’t make that dream, I’ll become a singer,” she said.

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