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Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesVirtue of the Week: Patience

Virtue of the Week: Patience

Patience is quiet hope and trust that things will turn out right. You wait without complaining. You are tolerant and accepting of difficulties and mistakes. You picture the end in the beginning and persevere to meet your goals. Patience is a commitment to the future.

You are practicing patience when you …

• Calmly tolerate a delay or confusion

• Are willing to wait for things you want

• Set goals and persevere until they are met

• Do something now that will help you in the future

• Accept things you cannot change with humor and grace

• Are tolerant when mistakes are made


I am patient. I am gentle with others and myself when we make mistakes. I wait calmly. I trust that things will turn out right.

The Source supports the Virtues Project, an international initiative focused on building peaceful and caring communities. We will publish one of the virtues developed by the project each week.

The Virtues Project is an international initiative focused on building peaceful and caring communities aligned to 52 virtues – such as “compassion,” “integrity,” “respect.” The Virtues Project promotes community capacity-building to teach positive behaviors and attitudes and contribute to healthy and supportive environments across sectors. This is an initiative originated with a work group of Early Childhood Advisory Committee of the Children and Families Council and is moving forward with support from the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands. We are working in collaboration with the Department of Education to infuse V.I. culture into the messages and to implement The Virtues Project in the public schools. The goal is to engage the community in discussion and awareness of the “Virtue of the Week” in schools, child care settings, home, and the workplace through the media, religious institutions, schools and centers, government agencies, and business organizations.

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