87.5 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Here is an update of some new items inside the St. John Source. This is a partial list only. Choose more stories and information from our menu at the left of your screen.
Open Forum: Reader is impressed by Paul Borghi's courage when attacked by a shark … Lawrence Boschulte, chair of the St. Thomas-St. John Board of Elections, says the political parties need to provide brochures and Web site information to help registering voters decide which party affiliation, if any, they want to declare.
Calendar: The public is invited to the Sept. 29 morning meeting of the Joint Boards of Elections at the GERS Complex on St. Thomas.
Local Government: The only Senate meeting of the coming week is of the Finance Committee, on Tuesday and Wednesday, for a Fiscal Year 2004 budget overview by top administration financial officials … Rodney E. Moorehead, assistant principal of Alfredo Andrews Elementary School, has been nominated to fill a management seat on the Public Employees Relations Board.
Things to do: Saturdays and Sundays through the end of September are "dollar days" at Coral World on St. Thomas for V.I. residents.
Organizations: To assist potential applicants in preparing proposals for its next major deadline, Nov. 1, the V.I. Humanities Council has scheduled grant-writing workshops beginning Sept. 29 on St. Thomas … After several years without a permanent home, the local American Red Cross chapter has moved into an office at St. Ursula Multipurpose Center.
Movies: The critically acclaimed "Whale Rider is at Marketplace Cinemas on St. Thomas for another week; new arrivals include Nicolas Cage in "Matchstick Men" and the vampire flic "Underworld."
Schools: Registration for adult education classes at Julius E. Sprauve School is under way.
Op-ed: Source columnist Bill Turner takes time out from the need "to focus so much on what is wrong" to award an attaboy and smell the roses … The Investment Development Conference in Washington proved to be a much larger success than most had anticipated, says former St. Croix resident John DeLuca, who was there.
Community/Data: Gov. Charles W. Turnbull's proposed 2004 Executive Budget can be found here in its entirety.
Community/Services: Sen. Shawn-Michael Malone, who chairs the Senate Committee on Youth and Education, has produced a Youth Services Directory that is available free to the public.
Classifieds: Check here for newly listed apartment rentals on St. John.
On St. Thomas, a North Side group has received no response to a letter it sent the governor nearly a month ago and a petition it sent several weeks before that, both calling for the reopening of the Dorothea fire station. Members will meet again Sunday to decide what to do next.
On St. Croix, the Public Finance Authority, which acquired the King's Alley Hotel two years ago literally by default, may soon buy the adjacent King's Alley Walk as well … Two-hour parking in certain sections of Christiansted is a 10-year-old idea whose time has come, the president of a downtown business group says.

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