81.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Saturday, June 1, 2024


Rev. Leon H. Matthias of the Memorial Moravian Church will be celebrating his 25th ordination anniversary at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug 12 with a banquet to be held at Palms Court Habourview.
Matthias was ordained August 24, 1975 at Spring Garden's Moravian Church in Antigua by Bishop Hastings.
Prior to serving the Memorial Moravian Church Matthias served as pastor at Friedenberg Moravian Church on St. Croix.
Thanksgiving services will also be held in Matthias' honor one at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Aug 13 at the Moravian Memorial church. The other at 4 p.m. The two speakers for the services will be Rev. Errol Connor, secretary of the Provincial Elders Conference, who will speak at 9 a.m. and Bishop Kingsley Lewis of the Eastern West Indies Province of the Moravian church at 4 p.m.
According to a release from the church, celebrations will continue from August 17 – 20 in Spring Garden, Antigua "where it all began."
Tickets for the banquet are available at the Church office at 17 Norre Gade, according to the release. Tickets can also be obtained from any of the committee members including Monique Lynch, Elisa Hodge, Aaurea Anderson, Althea Grant Carl Isaac and Annette Williams.
The release did not say how much the tickets cost. Attempts to reach the church Thursday for ticket prices were unsuccessful.
For more information call the Reverend at 776-0660 or Hodge at 774-8675.

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