80.3 F
Charlotte Amalie
Monday, June 17, 2024


Alveric Nicholas, 42, of Paul M. Pearson Gardens was shot during what appeared to be an attempted robbery Friday night.
Nicholas is listed in stable condition at the Roy L. Schneider Hospital, according to Radio One.
He was wounded as he attempted to wrestle a gun from one of three masked men who attacked him in the parking lot at the Oswald Harris Court.
On Saturday at about 12:20 p.m. two men were stabbed near the Bunker Hill Guest House in downtown Charlotte Amalie. Curt Chesterfield, 26, of Tutu Hi-Rise and Claudio Montero, 32, of Commandant Gade were stabbed several times. Both men were taken to the Roy L. Schneider Hospital for treatment.
According to Radio One, both men refused to give police any information about the incident.

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