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HomeNewsArchivesOur Senators Are Cowards

Our Senators Are Cowards

Dear Source:
The December 7th Daily news attributes quotes, by two of our senators, that I feel epitomize our senator's self serving attitude and politically expedient actions.
The first quote concerns the Retro Active Pay bill. After railing against the bill because of an inadequate funding source, Senator Russsell ended up voting for it with the following closing statement. "The employees and the people going to get the money is too large to take a risk. And so large that we can't risk our political careers to say the funding source is questionable." In other words, Senator Russell votes for a bill he thinks is wrong, for fear to do otherwise could harm his political career. To me, it is unbelievable that he would actually say such a thing.
The second statement was made by Senator Malone prior to his calling for an over ride of the Governor's veto of the ferry subsidies. He said that he received a call from officials of the Department Of Public Works directing him to move for an over ride of the subsidies. Well Senator, just who do you work for, Public Works or the People? I can only think it was an attempt to isolate himself from the responsibilities of his action. The December 13th Daily News in an article about the ferry companies and the over ride states that Public Works Commissioner Daryl Smalls, without reference to Malone, said he did not call for an over ride of the Governor's veto.
I find it all pretty disheartening.

Wally Leopold
Lovango Cay

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to source@viaccess.net.

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