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Community Reeling from Most Recent Homicide

July 20, 2007 – The community was rocked Friday morning by the news that Frenchtown resident Trevor Joseph had been killed in an attempted robbery at Emerald Beach Resort on St. Thomas.
As the news shot through the community, residents expressed shock and dismay over the incident.
St. Thomas – Water Island Administrator Barbara Petersen took a break from a board meeting at Magens Bay to say that Joseph and his wife were well-loved members of the community.
"I am heartbroken," said one Frenchtown resident. "And they have such a beautiful child."
When contacted early Friday afternoon, Police Commissioner James H. McCall said Joseph was shot and killed around 9:20 a.m. Friday, while servicing the resort's ATM machine. McCall said later in the day, Joseph had not yet serviced the machine at the time of the shooting.
Few additional details are available about the incident, but McCall said that both local and federal law enforcement agencies are involved in the ongoing investigation. Anyone with any information about the incident is asked to contact the major crime hotline at 715- 5544 or emergency 911.

Editor's note: The Source reported initially that Joseph was servicing video lottery terminals. He was actually servicing the ATM. Shaun A. Pennington also contributed to this story.
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