81.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Gov. Charles W. Turnbull appealed to union leaders and the rank-and-file Tuesday to stop the wildcat strikes that have closed various schools and crippled police and firefighting operations in recent weeks.
Apparently motivated by the breakout of violence on the Addelita Cancryn Junior High School campus earlier in the day, Turnbull took to the air Tuesday afternoon to read a three and a half-minute statement excoriating teachers, police and firefighters for their job actions in recent weeks.
As a result of "a job action" at Cancryn, he said, "there was an incident which could possibly [have] been avoided, were the teachers and support staff on the job where they belonged."
While "a Democratic administration is by definition pro-labor," he said, "the union leadership's posture of pursuing wildcat strikes. . . will not be condoned." He then called on union leaders "to refrain from instigating the workers to participate in disrupting the normal flow of work activity."
Turnbull noted that the government has continued "to make payroll without massive layoffs and salary cuts" but added, "we must all be prepared to make sacrifices if we are going to resolve this financial crisis."
Noting that his plan to meet with union officials earlier this week had fallen through, he said he hoped such a meeting would take place "later this week." The meeting has reportedly been set for Friday.

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