82.1 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Senate: Education and Workforce Development

Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall St. Thomas

Agenda: The committee has scheduled a hearing to receive testimony on the following: BLOCK I 9:30 a.m. to Noon The committee will receive testimony from the Virgin Islands Department of Education on the expenditures of all federal funds to also include the Carl D. Perkins Grant. The committee will also receive testimony on the School […]

Senate: Finance

Time: TBA Committee on Finance Location: TBA Agenda: To follow

Senate: No meetings

Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall St. Thomas

No committee meetings will be held today.

VIEDA Board to Convene

The Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority Board of Directors will meet for a V.I. Economic Development Commission (VIEDC) Public Hearing and a Governing Board Decision Meeting for the VIEDC, VIEDA and the Enterprise Zone Commission (EZC) at 9 a.m. (AST), Tuesday, June 8. At this meeting, the board of directors will consider applications and compliance […]

Senate: Disaster Recovery, Infrastructure

Frits E. Lawaetz Conference Room St. Croix

Agenda: The committee has scheduled a meeting to receive updates on all initiatives. project and process that are related to the recovery of the facilities under the jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands Bureau of Corrections, as well as updates on the recovery of the facilities that fall under the jurisdiction of the Virgin Islands Department […]

Territorial Hospital Board to Convene

The V.I. Government Hospital and Health Facilities Corporation Territorial Board will hold its monthly meeting via WEBEX from the board office at the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital on St. Croix. If there are any questions or concerns, call Helen Danielson.

WAPA Board Cancels Emergency Meeting

CANCELED The Governing Board of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority will hold an emergency meeting. The meeting is open to the public and held via Zoom. To participate: Join the Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81343784097?pwd=V1NtbE0zU1hSZ2kvblBHWmJRdE9FQT09 Meeting ID: 813 4378 4097 Passcode: 221959