80.3 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Public Hemp Commission to Meet

The Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture (VIDA) will hold a Public Hemp Commission meeting. There will be an executive session for the first half hour. The media and the public are invited to attend. The meeting is expected to be attended by Hemp Commission members from the Department of Agriculture (VIDA), the Virgin Islands Police […]

WAPA Board Emergency Meeting Called

The Governing Board of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority will hold an emergency meeting, which is open to the public and will be held via Zoom. To participate in the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89142896195?pwd=NFZmdXBNblVZZ3lzUkpvK2I4a2x5UT09 Meeting ID: 891 4289 6195 Passcode: 106112

Magens Bay Authority Board to Meet

Magens Bay Authority, governing organization of Magens Bay Beach and Smith Bay Park, will hold its April board meeting via Zoom. The meetings are open to the public for their input. For those that would like to attend, please email the Magens Bay Authority to get the Zoom connection information.

VIEDA Board Public Hearings

The Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority (VIEDA) Board of Directors will meet for a V.I. Economic Development Commission (VIEDC) Public Hearing and a Governing Board Decision Meeting for the VIEDC, VI Economic Development Authority (VIEDA) and the Economic Development Bank (EDB), via Zoom. Agendas are available on the VIEDA website. To participate by telephone, individuals […]

VI Housing Authority Board to Convene

The Virgin Islands Housing Authority’s (VIHA) Board of Commissioners has scheduled its regular board meeting. It will be held via teleconference to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. For meeting access call-in information, contact the VIHA office.