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Saturday, June 22, 2024
HomeCommunityOrganizationsLearn How to Act in an Emergency Before Professional Help Arrives

Learn How to Act in an Emergency Before Professional Help Arrives

Federal Emergency Management Agency

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA), the U.S. Virgin Islands Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VI VOAD), and the American Red Cross of the Virgin Islands invite residents to a citizen emergency response training set for June 24 on St. Thomas that will teach attendees how to act in an emergency before professional help arrives.

Faith-based organizations, nonprofits, private businesses and high school or university students are welcome to attend the free in-person ‘You Are the Help Until Help Arrives’ training. The first care someone gets requires no special skills and can potentially be the difference between life and death.

▪ What: Citizen Emergency Response Training

▪ When: 6 – 8:30 p.m., Monday, June 24

▪ Where: American Red Cross, 3800 Gasverks Gade No. 1, St. Thomas, VI 00802

▪ RSVP: Call 202-808-5987 or email Race.Hodges@fema.dhs.gov

Please share information about this seminar with friends and community partners. If there is a need for a reasonable accommodation, please submit the request by June 17. Last-minute requests will be accepted but might not be possible to fill. Send an email to Race.Hodges@fema.dhs.gov or call 202-808-5987.

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