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HomeNewsLocal newsGifft Hill School Launches Competitive Sailing Team

Gifft Hill School Launches Competitive Sailing Team

Gifft Hill forms new sailing team. (Photo courtesy Gifft Hill)

Gifft Hill School (GHS) is set to make waves with the launch of its competitive sailing team for the 2024-2025 school year. This initiative, a significant milestone in the school’s athletic program, is powered by collaboration and guidance from three esteemed local organizations: Kids and the Sea (KATS), Coral Bay Yacht Club (CBYC), and the St. John Yacht Club (SJYC).

Taking the helm as the new sailing coach is Sam Normington, who brings a wealth of experience from his current role as head coach and sailing program director at Richmond Yacht Club in El Cerrito, California. Normington’s expertise and passion for sailing promise to elevate the program and provide a transformative experience for young sailors on St. John.

Reflecting the inclusive ethos of all GHS athletics, the new sailing team will be open to all middle and high school students on St. John whose schools do not offer sailing programs. This initiative is designed to accommodate a broad range of skill levels, from novices who have never set foot on a boat to experienced sailors looking to hone their competitive edge.

“We recognize the real momentum that KATS has built and we want to make sure that St. John has avenues for kids who want to continue sailing on their home island,” said Head of School Liz Kinsella. “This program puts us in a wonderful position to have representation in upcoming international events.”

The promise of international competition was a key motivator for SJYC Commodore Sarah Swan, who voiced strong support for the GHS team. “Over the years we’ve seen involvement in youth sailing dwindle, especially when it comes to females, which is a bummer for me because when I was growing up, there were a lot of girls who sailed on a competitive level,” said Swan. “I think this program is going to attract a lot more interest in the sailing community. Growing up, I traveled to some really cool places because of sailing. Those opportunities are still out there.”

CBYC Commodore Dave Dostall echoed Swan’s sentiments, highlighting the potential of the GHS program to elevate the local sailing scene. “I’m hoping Gifft Hill’s program will take racing and sailing on the island to a higher level.”

Practices are slated to run from October through May, with after-school sessions held in Coral Bay using KATS equipment. This strategic partnership ensures that students will have access to high-quality resources and training facilities.

“We’re surrounded by water, so being knowledgeable about being on the water and activities you can do on the water are super crucial to the next generation and to the community,” said KATS Secretary Val Tarr. “KATS is more about water safety and recreational sailing. The Gifft Hill program will complement that by allowing sailors to compete at a higher level. We’re really excited about having a coach who can get these kids ready to go to regattas.”

Normington, who is set to relocate to St. John this summer, is enthusiastic about his new role. “I’m excited to work with students at all levels — whether you’ve never been on a boat before or you’re comfortable on the water and want to see where you can go next,” he said.

Head of Communications Andrea Miliam emphasized the collaborative effort behind the new program. “They will be on Coral Bay using Kids and the Sea location as home base, using the boats from KATS. The planning and execution are a big collaborative effort from KATS, SJYC, and CBYC. The collaborative effort truly speaks to the way things have been on St. John, giving great thanks to those three organizations. For kids who live on St. John, this will possibly provide an opportunity to stay on the home island instead of having to commute.”

As GHS embarks on this new journey, the community’s support and enthusiasm highlight the importance of preserving and enhancing the island’s maritime traditions. The launch of the GHS sailing team not only marks a new chapter for the school but also strengthens St. John’s rich sailing heritage.

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