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HomeNewsLocal governmentPlaskett Honors Memorial Day

Plaskett Honors Memorial Day

(Photo courtesy Facebook)

In honor of Memorial Day, Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett released the following statement:

“Memorial Day is a solemn occasion, a day of reflection, gratitude, and remembrance to those who have selflessly defended this country and have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live in freedom and peace. Today, I honor these men and women and their families; our resolve is that their sacrifice is not in vain as we continue to fight for liberty and justice for all, both at home and abroad.”

“From the Virgin Islands, many have answered the call to serve, and many have paid the highest price. There are few places in the United States with higher per capita rates of military service than the U.S. Virgin Islands – with the highest percentage of women in the uniformed service among states and territories. As your Congresswoman, I carry with me a deep respect for our veterans and those who have fallen.”

“This year, I have been invited to join Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) delegation to Normandy, France for the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. It will be my honor to pay homage to those Virgin Islanders who, despite their second-class status answered the call and stepped up during World War II to defend our democracy and those who continue to defend America’s best values and support the efforts of other nations to do the same.”

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