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HomeNewsArchivesTraffic Pattern Changes Monday on Alton Adams Drive and Polyberg

Traffic Pattern Changes Monday on Alton Adams Drive and Polyberg

Feb 2, 2009 – Starting at 2 p.m. Monday, traffic flow will be adjusted on Alton Adams Drive, the three-lane road that runs in front of Charlotte Amalie High School.
Instead of its current configuration with one eastbound, one westbound lane, and a center lane for turning, the center lane will become eastbound only for the next 10-12 months. Drivers in the westbound lane will have to cross the two eastbound lanes of traffic to make right-hand turns. The westbound lane will not be able to use the center lane.
The Department of Public Works implemented the temporary "maintenance of traffic plan" to relieve some of the traffic slowdowns resulting from construction on Centerline Road, according to the department's highway program manager, Wystan Benjamin.
Darryl Smalls, DPW commissioner,added that drivers headed eastbound in the right hand lane should be prepared to turn right onto Centerline Road, and those in the left hand eastbound lane must stay eastbound on to Raphune Hill Road.
Polyberg Hill will remain a two-way road, however, motorists traveling west on Alton Adams drive will be required to turn left at the Domino station and proceed over Lovers Lane. Drivers going north on the road between Lover's Lane and Polyberg intersection will still be allowed to go left at the signal light.
"What we're trying to do is create a big roundabout," Smalls said.
The department is implementing signage and changes to traffic control devices to assist drivers with the change. In addition, police officers will deploy along the route to keep cars moving along.
"We are going to change the lights at the Domino gas station to flashing amber or yellow lights," Benjamin said.
The traffic pattern change will be monitored continuously and will be in place until we complete the work on Centerline road, Benjamin said.
However, Smalls said, adjustments may be made along the way.
"After all we just started this last Sunday," he said. "There may be further tweaking needed."
Both Benjamin and Smalls implored the public not to block intersections. Tickets are being considered for drivers who block intersections.
"We ask public to be courteous to each other," Benjamin said. "Drivers are not being courteous and are blocking the intersections, which does not allow traffic in the opposite direction to get by."
Smalls concurred.
"We are asking for the community's continued patience and understanding and appealing, please, do not block intersections, obey signals and police traffic direction and all posted traffic devices," Smalls said.

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