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HomeNewsArchivesTown Meeting Will Address Drinking by Minors

Town Meeting Will Address Drinking by Minors

March 26, 2008 — Underage drinking will be the topic on the table April 3 during a town meeting at the University of the Virgin Islands' St. Croix campus.
The St. Croix Unity Coalition will hold a moderated discussion with the theme "Start Talking, Before They Start Drinking" in the school's Cafetorium beginning at 6 p.m.
"This is becoming an increasingly serious problem that has significant repercussions within our community," said Alexis George in the St. Croix Unity Coalition's announcement of the town meeting.
Underage drinking is rampant, with half of U.S. 15 year olds drinking at least five drinks in the past month, and underage drinkers binge more often than adults, George said.
Underage drinking harms the developing and growing bodies and minds of children in a myriad of ways. It can seriously harm the body's development, leading to major health problems, from liver damage to alcoholism.
"The younger an individual starts drinking alcohol, the more likely they are to become alcohol-dependent," she said. "The greatest influences on young people's decision to drink alcohol are their families and the society's perception of alcohol. Alcohol use by youth is often made possible by adults."
The V.I. situation is different in some important respects from most places in the United States.
"Teens in the Virgin Islands have easier access to alcohol due to the loose drinking laws and the lower legal drinking age that is 18," George said. "In our community, a minor is not required to show proof of age to purchase alcohol. In addition, alcohol can be purchased virtually anywhere, including all convenience stores, etc. Overall, the community's attitude towards alcohol has been one that has been accepting, even among minors."
The town meeting or forum is designed to address these perceptions and attitudes toward alcohol and prompt thought and discussion of the issue.
The St. Croix Unity Coalition is a project of the Village Partners in Recovery and is funded through grants by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), a division of the U.S. Department of Health.
To find out more, email Annette Scott or Maren Roebuck, or call 340-773-1311, ext. 3020 or 3035.
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