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HomeNewsArchivesBrief: Cecile deJongh Bound for S. Carolina to Aid Obama

Brief: Cecile deJongh Bound for S. Carolina to Aid Obama

Jan. 19, 2008 — V.I. first lady Cecile deJongh will head to South Carolina this weekend to help get out the female vote for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in that state's primary.
DeJongh will join the “Obama for America” New England Steering Committee in South Carolina.
“I am thrilled that I will be joining women from Massachusetts and South Carolina this weekend to campaign for Barack Obama in the South Carolina Democratic primary,” deJongh said in a statement. “I am especially pleased that my daughter, Rene, will join me on this trip and share in the excitement of working on a national campaign for a candidate we can all be excited about.”
In addition to the first lady and her daughter, civic leader Julie Cassinelli will also travel to South Carolina. Cassinelli was instrumental in the Barack Obama fundraiser held Nov. 5, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel on St. Thomas.
The trip spans three days and will include canvassing in various Charleston and Myrtle Beach neighborhoods, meetings with elected officials and business leaders, round-table discussions with prospective female voters and attending the Democratic National Committee debate.

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