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HomeNewsArchivesNot for Profit: Nazareth Lutheran Church's Women's Group

Not for Profit: Nazareth Lutheran Church's Women's Group

Dec. 10, 2007 — Crocheting and other crafts are more than relaxing hobbies for the Nazareth Lutheran Church's Women's Group. They're part of doing good works for others.
The members spend many hours creating clever crafts and cooking good food to sell at their annual Christmas Bazaar, a decades-old Cruz Bay tradition that was held this year on Dec. 8 in the church's front yard.
The money raised goes to help fund operations at the Queen Louise Home for Children on St. Croix.
"We're just trying to do things for the community," organization President June Boynes said.
Boynes said the organization also sends donations to the Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia, near St. Luke's Hospital. Those with a child receiving treatment at the hospital can stay at Ronald McDonald House for $15 a night.
And she said the group also sends donations to Grace Lutheran Church in Puerto Rico because that church is building a facility where people who are receiving treatment at nearby hospitals can stay at a discount rate.
She said the members are also working on a plan to donate items — they're planning on making little blankets for infants — to Roy L. Schneider Hospital.
The group got its start back in the 1960s when the late Elaine Samuel got things going. "She was the force behind it," Vashti Boynes said.
She said the bazaar has been around nearly that long.
Vashti Boynes is one of the original members and is still making items for sale at the bazaar. She said that business is usually brisk, with both locals and tourists stopping by to check out the crocheted potholders, Christmas ornaments, and baked goods, and more.
"Everybody is always asking 'When's the Lutheran bazaar?'" she said.
Indeed, Joyce Wilkins came over from St. Thomas with a friend to shop at the bazaar.
Faye Fredericks, busy setting up the food, said she's been a member of the Women's Group since she made her confirmation years ago.
Eulita Jacobs said she joined the Women's Group because there's work to be done.
However, Jacobs, who's retired, said she's concerned that the group has no young members to take the place of those who are growing older.
"They need the church for baptism, but after that we don't see them any more," she said.
Membership in the organization is open to all women who are members of Nazareth Lutheran Church. The group meets at 7 p.m. on the third Friday of every month.
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