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Charlotte Amalie
Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesRude Locals

Rude Locals

Dear Source:
I too experienced rude treatment by many locals when visiting St. Thomas the end of March this year. We stayed on Sapphire Beach and it was absolutely beautiful. But, when we left our resort, we never felt welcome. I went out of my way to say good morning etc. to people at the stores, on the ferry etc. and at best we would get indifference. It was rare for anyone to smile, look me in the eye or to respond to my greetings. It took a lot of the fun out of the trip. Although the beaches are beautiful, since the atmosphere outside the resort was unwelcoming, we won't ever go back. Also, it was disturbing to see so much trash along the roads.
Marilyn Kuhar
Broomfield, Col.

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to source@viaccess.net.

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