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HomeNewsArchivesRochelle M. Corneiro Wants to Be a Delegate

Rochelle M. Corneiro Wants to Be a Delegate

June 4, 2007 – This is Rochelle M. Corneiro, No. 42 on the ballot for Delegate to the Virgin Islands 5th Constitutional Convention for the St. Thomas-St. John District. As a young Virgin Islander, I am a proud graduate of the Charlotte Amalie High School Class of 1988 and the University of the Virgin Islands Class of 1993 where I obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Management.
I am truly filled with optimism at what the next generation of Virgin Islanders will be able to accomplish. The process of drafting a constitution should be viewed as both fulfilling and important as Virgin Islanders set out to create a vision for what they want to achieve in the upcoming decades of this territory.
On June 12th , I humbly ask for one of your votes as I offer myself to serve as one of your delegates who will be charged with the responsibility of writing a constitution and establishing a local government that we all can be proud of, but more importantly, one which will serve the best interest of all the people of the Virgin Islands.
This task may sound simple, but it’s not. When you look at assembling thirty individuals, who all come with their own passions, prejudices, errors of opinions, and self interests you can begin to understand the challenges that will face the delegates serving on the 5th Constitutional Convention. With 19 years of legislative experience, having served as Chief of Staff for former Senator-at-Large Almando “Rocky” Liburd and presently with Senator Shawn-Michael Malone, I am prepared to assume this task.
I view this Constitutional Convention as an important mobilization for the Virgin Islands. The question each one of us should ask ourselves is: will the 5th Constitutional Convention become a starting point, a catalyst for growth in our territory, for the next generation of Virgin Islanders to be recognized as true leaders? Or will this convention be referred to in the annals of history as another burgeoning of ideas from our people who choose not to take action afterwards? Your vote on June 12th, is just the beginning. The major challenges will begin when the delegates convene. At that time, what will be required of all the delegates is the fortitude, audacity, resoluteness- and maybe something more- to achieve victory this time around. I promise you, that if elected, when the need for that something more comes, I will have the courage- the guts, to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the 5th Constitutional Convention is a success. I would like to encourage everyone who can vote to go out and do so. Only you, the people of the Virgin Islands, have the power to effect change. On June 12th, vote for Rochelle M. Corneiro, #42 on the ballot to be one of your delegates to the 5th Constitutional Convention. May God Bless and keep the Virgin Islands and us all!

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