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HomeNewsArchivesChiRunning and ChiWalking Workshops Held on St. Croix

ChiRunning and ChiWalking Workshops Held on St. Croix

Dec. 11, 2007 – Lloyd Henry, certified instructor, will be on hand for one day to teach the basics of ChiRunning and ChiWalking. ChiWalking was recently adopted by the AARP as its official walking method.
Half-day ChiRunning Workshop (4 hours)
9 a.m.-1 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 23
Where: Canegata Ballpark
Cost: ChiRunning: $100

ChiWalking Workshop (3 hours)
7-10 a.m. or 5-8 p.m Thursday, Dec. 27
Where: Canegata Ballpark
Cost: ChiWalking: $60
To register, contact Lloyd Henry at 719-2770 or Lloyd@OnPointFitness.com
More on Lloyd Henry and On Point Fitness: www.OnPointFitness.com
ChiRunning combines the inner focus and flow of T’ai Chi with running to create a revolutionary running form that takes the pounding, pain, and potential damage out of the sport of running.
What you’ll learn:
• Introduction to the ChiRunning Form
• Posture, Lean, Lift
• Learning to Use Your Gears
• Run Various Speeds While Conserving Energy
• Run injury-free for the rest of your life
• Increase efficiency and reduce your effort
• Increase your speed by relaxing your legs
• Finish a pain-free 5k,10K, Half-Marathon, Marathon or Triathlon.

• ChiWalking blends walking with the inner focuses of T’ai Chi to create balance, strength, and improve cognition.
What you’ll learn:
• Introduction to the ChiWalking Method
• Walk longer distances with greater ease
• Eliminate soreness and fatigue,
• Eliminate back, knee, hip and other aches and pain.
• How to Get Fit and Feel Great.
• Upper body and lower body usage
• How to relax and conserve energy at any walking speed.
• Improve health and longevity!
• Walk pain-free and look forward to walking again.

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