80.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Saturday, June 22, 2024


June 27, 2001 – The summer school program for the elementary grades territorywide starts Monday for pupils whose parents and guardians submitted application forms distributed in the spring.
On St. Thomas, assignments for the summer sessions are as follows:
Joseph Gomez School: students regulary enrolled at Gomez, Edith Williams, Peace Corps and E. Benjamin Oliver Schools.
Ulla Muller School: students at Muller and Lockhart School.
Sibilly School: students from Sibilly, and students at Jane E. Tuitt and J. Antonio Jarvis whose last names begin with the letters A-M.
Leonard Dober School: students from Dober, and those at Tuitt and Jarvis whose surnames start with the letters N-Z.
Evelyn Marcelli Annex: students at Marcelli School.
New Horizon School: students at Michael J. Kirwan School.
However, there are exceptions to the above schedule: All sixth grade students at Jarvis, Tuitt and Sibilly and all kindergarten pupils at Tuitt are to attend summer classes at Dober School.
On St. John, the summer session will be at the Julius Sprauve School. Orientation for St. John summer students and their parents or guardians will take place Friday at 8:30 a.m. at the school.
On St. Croix, summer sessions are scheduled at the Pearl B. Larsen, Evelyn Williams and Alexander Henderson Schools. In the St. Croix district, according to a release from the Education Department, space permitting, limited registration will be accepted for students whose parents and guardians did not submit applications in the spring.
The release said further details of the St. Croix program would be made available by Friday.
On all three islands, the Education Department is providing lunch daily but no bus transportation. Children are to bring their own drinking water with them, and parents and guardians are to pick them up each day at 1 p.m.
Secondary school summer sessions began on Monday.
For further information, call Leroy Trotman, deputy commissioner for curriculum and instruction, at 774-0100, ext. 3042.

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