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Small Biz Exhibitors Draw Steady Stream of Interest

Eager entrepreneurs hoping to connect with customers put their goods and services on display Saturday at Fort Christian. The Shop Local Small Business Expo brought a steady stream of visitors into the courtyard under sunny skies and high clouds.

Accessory vendor Sharon Wade greeted shoppers perusing her decorated jewelry table. “I had a good day,” Wade said. So did Shaun Doguge of Tipsy Pops. Visitors took time to survey his table of spirit-spiked popcorn.

Shaun Doguge fills a customer’s order. (Photo by Judi Shimel)

Other cottage business owners sold baked goods and plates of local cuisine. For those whose appetites led to tummy troubles, a probiotic solution in bottles awaited.

Ralda Simmons with bottled belly brew. (Photo by Judi Shimel)

There were products and services on hand at the expo. Ben Kraft shared the concept of his new service, St. Thomas Cooks. His service offers cooking and dining experiences to residents and visitors booked in private dwellings.

Chef Kraft’s expo exhibit. (Photo by Judi Shimel)

Education as a service brought interested students to Sophia de Rosario at the display for EBM Academy of Cosmetology. She showed off signatures on a sign-in sheet for those wishing to find out more. “This is a private school. We have 13 years in the Virgin Islands so far. I want to encourage the new generation to study and become independent.” Rosario said.

Sophia Rosario’s educational beauty enterprise. (Photo by Judi Shimel)

And for those who keep up with the latest technology, Keya Chongasing-Garner showed off a solar battery control panel. “We can program it, so that in the event of loss of power we can tell it what to turn on in your house,” she said.

Keya Chongasing-Garner’s tech makes solar batteries more efficient. (Photo by Judi Shimel)

There was even a mini fashion show from promoter Ishmael Queeley and two local models who used the perimeter of the courtyard to strut their stuff.

Queeley and company promoting Fashionista ‘24. (Photo by Judi Shimel)

Model Tonya Garnette said the December event gave the Fashionista folks a chance to promote next year’s show in advance.

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