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HomeNewsLocal sportsVI Girls Tennis Team Hits the Courts at Billy Jean King Cup...

VI Girls Tennis Team Hits the Courts at Billy Jean King Cup in Panama City, Panama

The VI Girls Tennis Team at the Billy Jean King Cup in Panama City (Submitted photo)

Filled with Virgin Islands pride and donning new VI Team outfits, the young girls’ tennis team is taking the courts at the Billy Jean King Cup in Panama City, Panama.  The VI Team is competing against teams from Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Cuba, Panama, Bermuda, Jamaica, Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda in singles and doubles matches.

Coach Alfredo del Olmo and team captain Stefani Catanzano have been teaching strategy and drills in preparation for this event.  Cheering the team on is the President of the VI Tennis Assn Kelly Kuipers whose guidance is helping the VI youths to find the joy of playing tennis.


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