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Charlotte Amalie
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
HomeNewsArchives…And Justice for All

…And Justice for All

Dear Source:

The "Christians" could support any opinion using the bible. Perhaps, some are struggling with their own demons and are afraid to accept the truth of their sexual orientations.
Banning gay marriage is not going to stop homosexuality. Is it not better for a gay couple to have the sanctity of marriage than to live in sin? Why is it a problem for some people to see a gay couple happy?
The purpose of a constitution is to protect the citizens and ensure the general welfare of all. It is unfortunate that some delegates of the 5th constitutional convention are devoting their energies trying to abridge the rights of certain groups.
"God" does not govern us. The laws of the land are created by humans. Those who wish to infringe on the rights and privileges of others should be reminded of the Civil Rights Movement.
Let's continue to advocate for justice for all members of the VI community.
Verdel L. Petersen
Christiansted, St. Croix

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to visource@gmail.com.

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