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Charlotte Amalie
Monday, June 24, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesSupport Your Local Restaurants

Support Your Local Restaurants

Dear Source:
This is an open letter to the community of the U.S. Virgin Islands. I work in the Tourism industry and I know the down turn of the economy has and will affect us all. I have seen on the television and heard on the radio so called "Financial Specialists" telling their audience "now is not the time to travel". This of course is something I hope that our travel market will ignore.
But here on the home front there is an issue that we must also pay attention to. To be successful in the Food and Beverage industry you strive to make about 25 cents on every dollar you bring in. This is a marginal profit but one that restaurant owners and chefs are willing to live with to be able to do what they love. Success is usually achieved by creating a positive word of mouth reputation that builds a repeat business and eventual growth. If you have a favorite local restaurant or have been waiting to try out the new place, please do it now.
I know I started this letter by saying that times are tough. I don't mean go out and blow the entire pay check and wake up the next morning feeling the pain of the experience. I mean go out and share some time together. Maybe order an inexpensive bottle of wine that you never heard of before. Order an appetizer and share it, remember when you were first dating? Order a pasta dish and a beautiful beef dish and again, share it. Grilled fish with a tropical topping, local lobster or chicken prepared with an Italian influence. Mmmm… sounds good doesn't it? Restaurants are expecting lower check averages now but we can't afford to stay open if we can't pay to keep the lights on.
I know that the overall economy will rebound at some point. I just hope that we don't see some of our favorite gathering places close down before we get there. So get out there and support your local restaurant!! Thank you,
Paul Doumeng
St. Thomas

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to visource@gmail.com.

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