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HomeNewsArchivesChristmas Festival President Lenise Isaac Hunt Dies of Stroke

Christmas Festival President Lenise Isaac Hunt Dies of Stroke

April 30, 2007 — Lenise Isaac Hunt, president of the St. Croix Crucian Christmas Festival Organization, died Sunday from a stroke.
"Lenise has been an integral part of Festival for the past 15 years, and president of the organization for the past five years," said Festival Recording Secretary Antoinette Lendhart in a brief statement issued Monday. "She was Festival, and Festival was her."
Among her many contributions to the preservation of V.I. culture through the annual Festival celebrations, Hunt was responsible for unifying Festival under one umbrella and upgrading the quality of the individual events, Lendhart said. "As we approach the 55th anniversary of the Crucian Christmas Festival, the board intends to dedicate a part of the festivities in her honor," she said.
Lendhart sent condolences on behalf of the board members, saying, "The board, the volunteers and all the people of the Virgin Islands who love Festival would like to offer our condolences to her family and loved ones in this time of great sorrow."
The Festival office, located in Estate Baron Spot, will be open Tuesday afternoon to accommodate anyone who would like to offer assistance in any way, Lendhart said.
"Lenise will be greatly missed," she said. "Her devotion and dedication to the Crucian Christmas Festival was unmatched. The Virgin Islands has lost a caring and loving person."

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