82.1 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesMail 'Service' Is Questioned

Mail 'Service' Is Questioned

Dear Source:
Periodicals and packages are shipped on a barge?! My Christmas cards sent from the states as early as Dec. 8, didn't start arriving in St. Thomas until mid-January. My son sent one gift priority mail and another the same day by regular mail. The regular mail package arrived the day before the priority mail package. I have it on confidential information that tracked packages have been scanned as received locally, then tossed in a corner with as much as a week elapsing before they are given to the carriers for delivery. My Mother's Day present, sent to the correct address was mailed with a guarantee to arrive by Mother's Day. Instead, it was returned to the sender as undeliverable and had to be mailed out again. It arrived two weeks after Mother's Day. The problems obviously are ubiquitous – barge, San Juan, and local malaise. I didn't think the federal government could allow such sloppiness. What we have to put up with to live on this beautiful island!! I would have been at the hearing, but I was off island, so this is my input.

Dena Langdon
St. Thomas

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to source@viaccess.net.

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