79.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 2, 2024


The V.I. National Park is about to embark on a public "environmental review process" preliminary to the creation of a new Environmental Heritage Center.
The process is expected to take 120 to 150 days. By September, National Park Supt. Russell Berry said, the National Park Service expects to reach decisions on the location and program and design concepts for the center.
According to Berry, the center is "to provide an educational opportunity for local youth and park visitors to learn the importance of preserving and protecting the extraordinary natural environment and cultural heritage" of the park.
Based upon strong local community support, the National Park Service has succeeded in having $3 million for construction of the center included in President Clinton's 2000-2002 biennium budget.
"While a very preliminary concept has been developed for budget purposes," an NPS release stated, "public input is needed on the center's location, functions and capacity, as well as any environmental, social and economic issues associated with its construction and operation."
A public meeting to discuss these and other issues relating to the center is scheduled for Monday, May 22, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Legislature Building in Cruz Bay. Park officials will make a brief presentation on the planning process and review existing information concerning the center, then open discussion to answer questions and seek community input.
Another opportunity for community input will be a newsletter/questionnaire that will be circulated on St. John and St. Thomas and published by the Source, as well as posted on the Web sites of the V.I. National Park (www.nps.gov/viis) and the Friends of the National Park (www.friendsvinp.org). NPS officials also will make presentations to groups with an interest in the project and plan to conduct interviews with "key stakeholders." Any group wishing to host a presentation should call Jim Owens at 693-8950, ext. 228, to make arrangements.
Berry said the primary purpose of the center will be to provide local youth with hands-on educational activities in the areas of recent history, ancient history, relationship to the land and relationship to the sea. Park chief of interpretation Paul Thomas said the goal is "to provide the best possible setting and facility for the park to teach the importance of preserving and protecting the archeological, cultural, terrestrial and marine resources for this and future generations."

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