82.1 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Major Crime Task Force detectives charged Deshawn Harrigan, 24, of Hospital Ground, late Wednesday night with second-degree murder and illegal possession of a weapon in connection with the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Jason Carroll in downtown Charlotte Amalie Tuesday afternoon.
Harrigan's arrest came after hours of intense interrogation Wednesday afternoon and evening, a police source said.
During the hours of questioning, Harrigan reportedly told police that a friend of his and Carroll became involved in a dispute near the Main Street end of Drake's Passage. Harrigan allegedly got involved after Carroll wrestled Harrigan's friend to the ground. A fight that ensued between Harrigan and Carroll intensified to the point where a weapon was brandished and shots were fired, police sources said.
Shot in the chest and left arm, Carroll staggered across Main Street in full view of dozens of tourists and residents on the street, collapsed in front of Princess Jewelers and died a few minutes later. Witnesses said two individuals ran from Drake's Passage and fled the scene.
The murder weapon was recovered, a police source said Wednesday.
Police investigators reportedly also questioned the friend who had been with Harrigan, but since he was not involved in the final struggle in which the shots were fired, he was not charged.
Harrigan was escorted from the Investigation Bureau in Nisky Center around 10 p.m. Wednesday to be booked at Zone A Command in the Criminal Justice Complex. Details on bail were not available. It was expected that an advice-of-rights hearing would be held on Thursday morning.
WVWI/Radio One quoted unnamed sources as saying the fatal shooting was a difficult case to bring to closure with an arrest. "We spent hours up and down the block around Drake's Passage canvassing persons who may have seen the altercation — and came up empty. Persons are just not coming forward," one officer said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Police worked through Tuesday night and all day Wednesday evaluating evidence and information acquired in efforts to identify the assailant. Carroll, who had just completed his first year of study at the University of the Virgin Islands, was the son of Assistant U.S. Attorney James Carroll.

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