84.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Following the acquittal of Arthur Barry Jr. on first-degree murder charges, Attorney General Iver Stridiron this week attacked what he considers abuse of the insanity defense.
A jury on St. Croix found Barry not guilty in the murder of V.I. Housing Authority police officer Reginald Molloy by reason of insanity. Stridiron clearly was not happy about the outcome of the case and called a Wednesday press conference to address the verdict.
"I believe that there is a developing common denominator among defendants who are claiming insanity at the time of a crime," he said, noting that defense attorneys spent considerable time attempting to "demonize" the victim.
The defense argued that Barry had been repeatedly threatened by Molloy, who attorneys said was jealous of his ex-fiancee, Roxan Roberts, and her relationship with Barry. Roberts testified that even after she obtained a restraining order against Molloy, he continued to threaten to kill her.
She said she recorded his threats and turned the tapes over to the Attorney General's Office. Molloy was arrested but never charged.
Stridiron said he is attempting to have Barry committed to a psychiatric hospital until Justice is satisfied that he has overcome the mental condition that made him insane during the Molloy murder.
Despite Barry's acquittal on murder charges, Stridiron promised to do all in his power to make sure the defendant experiences all the consequences of having been found insane at the time of the crimes of murder and arson. "Barry has been committed to the Bureau of Corrections where he will spend as much time as necessary to make certain that he has overcome his mental lapse," Stridiron vowed.

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