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HomeNewsArchives2 Substitute Nominees to WMA Board Submitted

2 Substitute Nominees to WMA Board Submitted

Aug. 6, 2004 – Gov. Charles W. Turnbull has submitted new nominees for the two vacant private-sector seats on the seven-member Waste Management Authority board, replacing his earlier nominees for the positions.
He has nominated St. Croix engineering businessman Justin W. Berkeley as a replacement for St. Croix engineer Reginald George.
And he has nominated St. John retiree Kenneth R. Damon in place of St. John lawyer Alan Smith.
The Legislature must confirm the nominations.
Berkeley, according to a Government House release, is president of Antillean Engineers and is the current vice chair of the V.I. Board of Architects, Engineers, Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects. He is a former member of the Coastal Zone Management Commission. He holds an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Toronto and a master's in aeronautical engineering from Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia.
His nomination is for one year.
Damon, the release stated, has retired to St. John from the mainland and is involved in research on alternative energy systems and the development of vertical-axis wind machines. A U.S. Navy veteran, he holds a degree in physics from St. Lawrence University. His career included serving as executive vice president for A.D. Jones Optical Works in Massachusetts, director of marketing for Space Research Corp. In Vermont, and director of the Instrumentation Laboratory at Syracuse University Research Corp.
His nomination is for two years.
On Feb. 6, Turnbull submitted to the Legislature his nominees for all four of the public seats on the new WMA board, along with his appointments of the three government representatives.
The Senate confirmed the other two private-sector nominees last spring – St. Thomas project manager and consultant Winston Adams and St. Croix construction company president Deandre Atwell.
By law, the Public Works commissioner gets one of the government seats; in addition to Commissioner Wayne Callwood, the governor appointed Keith Richards, his assistant for capital projects, and Gloria Canegata Waterman, his assistant for St. Croix.
In June the WMA board elected officers, choosing Adams as chair, Waterman as vice chair and Richards as secretary.
According to Sen. Roosevelt David, who chairs the Rules Committee, Smith withdrew his nomination and George never submitted the completed questionnaire required by the committee.

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