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Plaskett Named Ranking Member to Oversight Subcommittee

Delegate Stacey Plaskett has been named ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy and Environment, according to her office.

“I am grateful to be given the responsibility as the ranking member on the Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy and Environment for the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. As ranking member, it is my plan to bring much needed attention, through hearings, field work and investigations, into the federal’s government role in regulating our resources," Plaskett said in a statement.

“Energy policy, fish and wildlife programs, and public lands—in our case national parks—are all overseen by this subcommittee. I want to use this position to highlight the delicate balance that must be struck to allow Virgin Islands industries to flourish, while protecting our natural resources.”

Plaskett said she also plans to “highlight how the federal government has not fully considered the effects of regulations to private property rights and its impact on the livelihood and economic growth in the territory.”

Plaskett is in her second term as delegate to Congress.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment has oversight jurisdiction over energy policy, public lands, environmental policy, fish and wildlife, mining, energy development, pollution and related regulations.

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